Beyond Traditional Banking: Digital Wallets and Core Technologies Redefining Finance [whitepaper]

In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services, staying ahead means embracing digital transformation.

Our latest whitepaper, developed in collaboration with KPMG and Mia-FinTech, provides an in-depth exploration of how digital wallets and advanced core banking technologies are redefining the financial industry. This resource is essential for financial institutions aiming to modernize their payment systems and stay competitive in a digital-first world.

Insights from the Whitepaper:

  • Technological Advancement & Regulatory Shifts: Emphasis on the necessity of modern core banking solutions to keep up with the changing regulatory landscape, including PSD3 and Instant Payments.
  • Integration of Advanced Core Banking and Orchestration Capabilities: How integrating Tuum’s advanced core banking platforms with Mia-FinTech’s orchestration capabilities transforms payment functions for both traditional and digital currencies.
  • Payment Regulatory Landscape: Key regulatory changes such as PSD3, ISO20022, and the push for instant euro payments, highlighting the importance of compliance and the timeline for enforcement.
  • Digital Wallet Use Cases: Examples of how different industries, including utilities and insurance companies, can leverage digital wallets to enhance customer interaction and streamline operations.
  • Platform Strategy: The importance of adopting a platform strategy to bridge the gap between legacy systems and digital experiences, ensuring faster time-to-market and enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Core Banking Modernization: Benefits of modern core banking platforms, including flexibility, scalability, and the ability to support new business models like Open Finance.

The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by technological advancements and evolving regulatory requirements. To thrive in this environment, financial institutions must embrace comprehensive digital strategies that include modern core banking platforms and digital wallets. These technologies not only streamline operations and enhance customer experiences but also ensure compliance and readiness for future challenges.

Download the whitepaper:

Don’t miss the opportunity to lead in financial innovation and customer satisfaction. Download “Beyond Traditional Banking: Digital Wallets and Core Technologies Redefining Finance” now to gain actionable insights and a clear roadmap for leveraging modern digital tools to stay competitive in today’s digital-first world.

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