Salt Edge

Salt Edge enables businesses to connect to end-customers’ bank accounts from across the globe, and supports them with instant payment initiation, data exchange and enrichment solutions.

Value proposition

Salt Edge specialises in building open banking API solutions that empower businesses from all over the world to create smart services for their customers based on access to bank data and payment initiation capabilities. Our company has two main vectors of activity: Open Banking Gateway and Open Banking with PSD2 Compliance Solutions.

For financial institutions:
  • Open Banking Gateway allows FIs to get instant access to accounts in 5,000 banks across Europe, GCC, APAC, Americas for account information and payment initiation, via a unified API. The Gateway comes with a set of data enrichment tools including transaction categorisation, merchant identification, and financial insights, which help in analysing and understanding end-customers’ financial behavior.
  • Open Banking and PSD2 Compliance Solution helps banks and EMIs to become compliant with the PSD2 and  Open Banking requirements in just one month. The solution includes a set of APIs, TPP verification system, Mobile SCA, consent management system, and more.
For end customers:
  • Open Banking allows secure data sharing between customers and financial institution
  • Connect and access all bank accounts data in one place, helping them to make better decisions

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